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Binary Number System Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Binary Number System worksheet with answers PDF, binary number system MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 288 for online past papers exam. Practice Number Systems trivia questions and answers, binary number system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free binary number system MCQs, file organization, evolution of computers, register types, hexadecimal number system, binary number system test prep for top computer science schools.

"The binary equivalent of an octal number 1071 is", binary number system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices 111000110, 1100110001, 1000111001, and 1001110001 for online software engineering degrees.

Trivia Quiz on Binary Number System PDF Download 288

Binary Number System Quiz

MCQ: The binary equivalent of an octal number 1071 is

  1. 1100110001
  2. 111000110
  3. 1000111001
  4. 1001110001


Hexadecimal Number System Quiz

MCQ: Column value of a digit depends on the

  1. Position of digit
  2. Value of digit
  3. Base value
  4. Both A and C


Register Types Quiz

MCQ: The address part of the instruction stored in the Instruction Register is transferred to

  1. MAR
  2. AR
  3. PC
  4. I/O


Evolution of Computers Quiz

MCQ: Introduction of the concept of storing data in binary form was made by

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Clifford Berry
  3. Presper Eckert
  4. John Von Neumann


File Organization Quiz

MCQ: To convert a record key value to storage address on disk, direct file organization uses

  1. Data formatting function
  2. Data backup function
  3. Data storing function
  4. Data generating function