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Logic Gates Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Logic Gates multiple choice questions and answers PDF, logic gates quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 281 for online mock test. Practice Boolean Algebra quiz with answers, logic gates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free logic gates MCQs, basic logic structures, printers and its types, binary number system, bcd code, logic gates test prep for computer software engineer.

"Electronic circuits operating on one or more signals to produce standard output signal is known to be", logic gates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices electrical gates, circuitry gates, binary gates, and logic gates for online graduate programs.

Logic Gates Questions and Answers PDF Download 281

Logic Gates Quiz

MCQ: Electronic circuits operating on one or more signals to produce standard output signal is known to be

  1. Circuitry gates
  2. Electrical gates
  3. Binary gates
  4. Logic gates


BCD Code Quiz

MCQ: Computer codes that are often used includes ASCII, BCD and

  1. BECD
  3. EBDIC


Binary Number System Quiz

MCQ: The base value for a binary number system is said to be equal to

  1. 2
  2. 0
  3. 1
  4. 3


Printers and its Types Quiz

MCQ: Drum printers are considered to be

  1. Impact and color printers
  2. Impact and monochrome printers
  3. Non-impact and color printers
  4. Non-impact and monochrome printers


Basic Logic Structures Quiz

MCQ: Iteration logic structure includes DO..WHILE and

  1. Repeat.. Till
  2. Repeat.. Until
  3. For.. While
  4. While.. DO