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Testing and Debugging Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Testing and Debugging quiz questions and answers PDF, testing and debugging trivia questions to solve computer technology worksheet 28 for online certification exam. Practice System Implementation and Operation quiz questions with answers, testing and debugging Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free testing and debugging MCQs, java language, file management, binary number system, supercomputers, testing and debugging test prep for online college courses.

"Some incorrect word sequence in a program would generate", testing and debugging Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices syntax error, semantics error, runtime error, and logical error for software engineering degree programs.

Quiz on Testing and Debugging PDF Download 28

Testing and Debugging Quiz

MCQ: Some incorrect word sequence in a program would generate

  1. Semantics error
  2. Syntax error
  3. Runtime error
  4. Logical error


Supercomputers Quiz

MCQ: For supercomputers, the best known builder is said to be

  2. ENIAC I
  3. Cray
  4. Altair 8800


Binary Number System Quiz

MCQ: The decimal equivalent of the octal number 2057 is

  1. 83
  2. 784
  3. 1071
  4. 6795


File Management Quiz

MCQ: To use information stored in a file, it must be

  1. Accessed into computer memory
  2. Read into computer memory
  3. Retrieved from computer memory
  4. Both A and B


JAVA Language Quiz

MCQ: JAVA used the compilation process of

  1. Burst-in-Time compilation
  2. Source-in-Time compilation
  3. Just-in-Time compilation
  4. Host-in-Time compilation