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System Performance Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn System Performance worksheet with answers PDF, system performance MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 228 for online past papers exam. Practice Operating Systems trivia questions and answers, system performance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free system performance MCQs, computer generations, boolean algebra, registers, harvard mark i, system performance test prep for online computer science engineering.

"The time interval from the submission of a job to the first response of the job, defines its", system performance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices response time, access time, throughput, and turnaround time to learn software engineering courses.

Trivia Quiz on System Performance PDF Download 228

System Performance Quiz

MCQ: The time interval from the submission of a job to the first response of the job, defines its

  1. Access time
  2. Response time
  3. Throughput
  4. Turnaround time


Harvard Mark I Quiz

MCQ: Harvard MARK I was introduced in

  1. 1942
  2. 1944
  3. 1946
  4. 1948


Registers Quiz

MCQ: Terminology that defines the length of a register is known to be

  1. Word size
  2. Literal size
  3. Data size
  4. Bit size


Boolean Algebra Quiz

MCQ: Boolean function can be represented as

  1. Algebraic expression
  2. Truth table
  3. Both A and B
  4. Binary table


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: In the third generation computers, the key hardware technologies included

  1. Time sharing
  2. Integrated chips
  3. Magnetic tapes
  4. Portable storage media