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ASCII Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn ASCII worksheet with answers PDF, ascii MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 225 for online past papers exam. Practice Computer Codes trivia questions and answers, ascii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free ascii MCQs, complementary method of subtraction, magnetic disks advantages, ascii test prep for computer majors.

"IN ASCII-8 representation, for expressing an 8 character word, it requires", ascii Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices 16 bytes, 8 bytes, 24 bytes, and 32 bytes to learn software engineering courses.

Trivia Quiz on ASCII PDF Download 225


MCQ: IN ASCII-8 representation, for expressing an 8 character word, it requires

  1. 8 bytes
  2. 16 bytes
  3. 24 bytes
  4. 32 bytes


Magnetic Disks Advantages Quiz

MCQ: Disk crash or failure of a drive results in loss of entire store data, in the magnetic disk named

  1. Compact disk
  2. Disk pack
  3. Winchester disk
  4. WORM disk


Complementary Method of Subtraction Quiz

MCQ: The process of subtraction in the complementary method comprises of

  1. Two steps
  2. Three steps
  3. Four steps
  4. Five steps


Storage Organization Quiz

MCQ: Magnetic tapes of modern time, for recording data uses EBCDIC code format of size

  1. 8-bits
  2. 16-bits
  3. 32-bits
  4. 64-bits


Storage Organization Quiz

MCQ: For deciding blocking factor, the rule of thumb is that of an IBG as long as

  1. At least 2 times
  2. At least 5 times
  3. At least 10 times
  4. At least 20 times