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Computer Generations Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Computer Generations worksheet with answers PDF, computer generations MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 222 for online past papers exam. Practice Introduction trivia questions and answers, computer generations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free computer generations MCQs, machine language, bcd code, computer generations test prep for accelerated computer science degree online.

"Structure followed by the applications of fourth generation computers included", computer generations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices cluster computing, network-based, server-client based, and slave machine structure for online computer science degrees.

Trivia Quiz on Computer Generations PDF Download 222

Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Structure followed by the applications of fourth generation computers included

  1. Network-based
  2. Cluster computing
  3. Server-client based
  4. Slave machine structure


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: System that enabled the feature of having distributed operating system is named as

  1. Powerful servers
  2. Minicomputers
  3. Personal Computers
  4. Microcomputers


BCD Code Quiz

MCQ: The octal equivalent of the number 2 in the BCD coding scheme is

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4


Machine Language Quiz

MCQ: Writing programs in machine language requires a programmer to memorize

  1. Opcodes
  2. Operations sequence
  3. Instruction sets layout
  4. Locations and addressing


Multitasking Quiz

MCQ: The term multitasking is often related to

  1. Functional user systems
  2. Single-user system
  3. Operational user systems
  4. Multi-user systems