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Assembly Language Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Assembly Language multiple choice questions and answers PDF, assembly language quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 218 for online mock test. Practice Computer Languages quiz with answers, assembly language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free assembly language MCQs, direct access storage devices, computer generations, system performance, positional and non-positional number systems, assembly language test prep for top computer science schools in the world.

"Additional instructions are provided by the assembly language that are known to be", assembly language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices program-instructions, pseudo-instructions, code-instructions, and operation-instructions for software engineering degree programs.

Assembly Language Questions and Answers PDF Download 218

Assembly Language Quiz

MCQ: Additional instructions are provided by the assembly language that are known to be

  1. Pseudo-instructions
  2. Program-instructions
  3. Code-instructions
  4. Operation-instructions


Positional and Non-positional Number Systems Quiz

MCQ: The symbols of positional number system represents different values depending upon the

  1. Position
  2. Number system
  3. Symbol value
  4. Digit value


System Performance Quiz

MCQ: A system's ability of doing work per unit time defines its

  1. Access time
  2. Turnaround time
  3. Throughput
  4. Response time


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Key software technologies used in the second generation computers was batch operating system and

  1. Assembly language
  2. Machine language
  3. Stored programs
  4. Scientific and commercial use


Direct Access Storage Devices Quiz

MCQ: Accessing information in a direct device from any location requires

  1. High access time
  2. Low access time
  3. Equal access time
  4. No time