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Types of Computers Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Types of Computers worksheet with answers PDF, types of computers MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 198 for online past papers exam. Practice Classifications of Computers trivia questions and answers, types of computers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free types of computers MCQs, storage organization, os capability enhancement software, main memory, assembly language, types of computers test prep for online college courses.

"Supercomputers primarily addresses", types of computers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices i/o devices bound applications, processor bound applications, storage bound applications, and activity bound applications for online graduate programs.

Trivia Quiz on Types of Computers PDF Download 198

Types of Computers Quiz

MCQ: Supercomputers primarily addresses

  1. Processor bound applications
  2. I/O devices bound applications
  3. Storage bound applications
  4. Activity bound applications


Assembly Language Quiz

MCQ: For overcoming the limitations of machine language programming, the language used is known as

  1. High-level language
  2. Assembly language
  3. System language
  4. C language


Main Memory Quiz

MCQ: Secondary memory is said to be

  1. Circuitry
  2. Non-circuitry
  3. Volatile
  4. Non-volatile


OS Capability Enhancement Software Quiz

MCQ: Technique that effectively doubles the capacity of a disk is known to be

  1. Data compression utility
  2. Disk compression utility
  3. System compression utility
  4. Block compression utility


Storage Organization Quiz

MCQ: A parity bits used in input and operations for the detection of

  1. Invisibility
  2. Errors
  3. Cloning
  4. Duplication