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Optical Disks Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Optical Disks multiple choice questions and answers PDF, optical disks quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 161 for online mock test. Practice Secondary Storage Devices quiz with answers, optical disks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free optical disks MCQs, types of processors, storage unit, multiprocessing, hard disks, optical disks test prep for computer software engineer online degree.

"The number of mechanical read and write access arms in an optical disk is said to be", optical disks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices four arms, two arms, multiple arms, and no arms for online software engineering degrees.

Optical Disks Questions and Answers PDF Download 161

Optical Disks Quiz

MCQ: The number of mechanical read and write access arms in an optical disk is said to be

  1. Two arms
  2. Four arms
  3. Multiple arms
  4. NO arms


Hard Disks Quiz

MCQ: Two hard disk platters are mounted on a single central shaft, in a disk named as

  1. Bernoulli Disk
  2. Compact Disk
  3. Disk Packs
  4. Winchester Disks


Multiprocessing Quiz

MCQ: Multiprocessor systems that do not share memory is known to be

  1. Linear couple systems
  2. Compound couple systems
  3. Tightly coupled systems
  4. Loosely coupled systems


Storage Unit Quiz

MCQ: Intermediate results and results generated by the ongoing processing is stored by the

  1. Secondary storage
  2. Primary storage
  3. Virtual storage
  4. Data storage


Types of Processors Quiz

MCQ: Packing more instructions in memory introduces the concept of

  1. Variable length
  2. Fixed length
  3. Half word
  4. One and a half word