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Tape Controller Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Tape Controller quiz questions and answers PDF, tape controller trivia questions to solve computer technology worksheet 157 for online certification exam. Practice Secondary Storage Devices quiz questions with answers, tape controller Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free tape controller MCQs, harvard mark i, basic operations, changeover to new system, compiler, tape controller test prep for computer majors.

"Commands are interpreted for operations of the tape drive by the", tape controller Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices tape interpreter, tape controller, tape connector, and tape converter to learn online school courses.

Quiz on Tape Controller PDF Download 157

Tape Controller Quiz

MCQ: Commands are interpreted for operations of the tape drive by the

  1. Tape controller
  2. Tape interpreter
  3. Tape connector
  4. Tape converter


Compiler Quiz

MCQ: The input to the compiler software is named to be a

  1. High level language program
  2. Macro language program
  3. Micro language program
  4. Machine language program


Changeover to New System Quiz

MCQ: The most safest way to deploy a new system is by the method of

  1. Phased conversion
  2. Process conversion
  3. Parallel Run
  4. Concurrent Run


Basic Operations Quiz

MCQ: The useful processed information is produced as a report or usual in the process named as

  1. Controlling
  2. Evaluation
  3. Outputting
  4. Processing


Harvard Mark I Quiz

MCQ: The electromagnetic relays classified by the MARK I machine as a

  1. Relay computer
  2. Chief computer
  3. Integrator computer
  4. Numerical computer