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Cache Memory Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Cache Memory worksheet with answers PDF, cache memory MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 141 for online past papers exam. Practice Processor And Memory trivia questions and answers, cache memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free cache memory MCQs, internet basics, computer generations, assembly languages with macro instructions, data communication networks, cache memory test prep for associates in computer science.

"Concept used during processing, for temporary storage of active data and instructions, is said to be", cache memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices read only memory, flash memory, cache memory, and random access memory to learn software engineering courses.

Trivia Quiz on Cache Memory PDF Download 141

Cache Memory Quiz

MCQ: Concept used during processing, for temporary storage of active data and instructions, is said to be

  1. Flash memory
  2. Read only memory
  3. Cache memory
  4. Random access memory


Data Communication Networks Quiz

MCQ: Data handling capacity of a communication system is known to be

  1. Modulators
  2. Integrators
  3. Resistors
  4. Bandwidth


Assembly Languages with Macro Instructions Quiz

MCQ: The use of macro instructions reduces the length of programs and

  1. Cuts down on errors
  2. Simplifies programming
  3. Removes dependency on machines
  4. All of the Above


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Object-oriented design and programming was carried out in

  1. First Generation computers
  2. Second Generation computers
  3. Third Generation computers
  4. Fourth Generation computers


Internet Basics Quiz

MCQ: Internet has its roots in the

  1. Usenet system
  2. Intranet system
  3. ARPRANET system
  4. Cengage system