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Functions of an OS Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Functions of an OS multiple choice questions and answers PDF, functions of an os quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 14 for online mock test. Practice Operating Systems quiz with answers, functions of an os Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free functions of an os MCQs, compiler, types of processors, computer generations, packed decimal numbers, functions of an os test prep for top computer science schools in the world.

"The module of an operating system that is responsible for creation and deletion of processes is named as", functions of an os Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices program management, file management, memory management, and process management to learn computing courses online.

Functions of an OS Questions and Answers PDF Download 14

Functions of an OS Quiz

MCQ: The module of an operating system that is responsible for creation and deletion of processes is named as

  1. File management
  2. Program management
  3. Memory management
  4. Process management


Packed Decimal Numbers Quiz

MCQ: The packed decimal number equivalent for the value '3456' is

  1. 3456F
  2. F3456
  3. 03456F
  4. F34560


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Rapid software development was made possible as a key characteristic of computers of

  1. First Generation
  2. Second Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Fourth Generation


Types of Processors Quiz

MCQ: RISC stands for

  1. Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  2. Repeated Instruction Set Computer
  3. Regular Instruction Set Computer
  4. Reflective Instruction Set Computer


Compiler Quiz

MCQ: A high level language program is translated into its equivalent machine language program by the means of

  1. Assembler
  2. Compiler
  3. Modulator
  4. Digitizer/ Equalizer