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Packed Decimal Numbers Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Packed Decimal Numbers multiple choice questions and answers PDF, packed decimal numbers quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 119 for online mock test. Practice Computer Codes quiz with answers, packed decimal numbers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free packed decimal numbers MCQs, communication protocol, data processing, printers, cache memory, packed decimal numbers test prep for information and communication technology.

"Packed decimal numbers are formed from", packed decimal numbers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices unzoned decimal numbers, zoned decimal numbers, zoned octal numbers, and unzoned octal numbers to learn online tutor courses.

Packed Decimal Numbers Questions and Answers PDF Download 119

Packed Decimal Numbers Quiz

MCQ: Packed decimal numbers are formed from

  1. Zoned decimal numbers
  2. Unzoned decimal numbers
  3. Zoned octal numbers
  4. Unzoned octal numbers


Cache Memory Quiz

MCQ: Information stored in ROM or a PROM is defined to be

  1. Changeable
  2. Unchangeable
  3. Inaccessible
  4. Frequently used


Printers Quiz

MCQ: Dot-Matrix printers are said to be

  1. Inked printers
  2. Code printers
  3. Characters printers
  4. Cloning printers


Data Processing Quiz

MCQ: A series of operations or actions to convert some input to useful output is known to be

  1. Implementation
  2. Programming
  3. Translating
  4. Processing


Communication Protocol Quiz

MCQ: Protection against traffic congestion is ensured by the help of

  1. Data control
  2. Flow control
  3. Access control
  4. Process control