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HTML Colors Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 15

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HTML Colors Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 15

MCQ 71: RGB stands for

  1. Red, Green, Blue
  2. Red, Green, Black
  3. Red, Gray, Black
  4. None

MCQ 72: The starting and ending tag of HTML document is

  1. None

MCQ 73: A small program that can be embedded within the web pages to perform a specific functionality is called as

  1. Class
  2. Applet
  3. Sheet
  4. All of above

MCQ 74: The visible part of HTML document lies in

  1. Body Tag
  2. Paragraph Tag
  3. Links Tag
  4. Image Tag

MCQ 75: For specifying character set, page description, keywords, authors and other metadata which tag is used?

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