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Eyes as Input Output Channel Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Eyes as Input Output Channel multiple choice questions and answers PDF, eyes as input output channel quiz answers to learn HCI worksheet 8 for online mock test. Practice Input Output Channels of HCI quiz with answers, eyes as input output channel Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free eyes as input output channel MCQs, ears as input output channel, eyes as input output channel test prep for computer science programs.

"The temporary blindness occurred by going from dark to bright is due to", eyes as input output channel Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices cones, rods, retina, and cornea for online computer science degrees.

Eyes as Input Output Channel Questions and Answers PDF Download 8

Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The temporary blindness occurred by going from dark to bright is due to

  1. rods
  2. cones
  3. retina
  4. cornea


Ears as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The impulses have been transferred to auditory nerves by

  1. cochlea
  2. ossicles
  3. tympanic membrane
  4. cilia


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The highly sensitive photoreceptor that allow to see low level illumination are

  1. lens
  2. rods
  3. cones
  4. retinas


Introduction to Human Quiz

MCQ: The Human Machine Processor model was composed of

  1. two subsystems
  2. five subsystems
  3. three subsystems
  4. four subsystems


Ears as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The structured attached to both sides of a human head is called

  1. ossicles
  2. pinna
  3. auditory canal
  4. cochlea