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Size and Depth Perception Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Size and Depth Perception quiz questions and answers PDF, size and depth perception trivia questions to solve HCI worksheet 28 for online certification exam. Practice Visual Perception quiz questions with answers, size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free size and depth perception MCQs, input output channels, size and depth perception test prep for computer science associate degree.

"The error message at the bottom of screen in a system design must be", size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices blurred, flashing, hidden, and colorful to learn online classes courses.

Quiz on Size and Depth Perception PDF Download 28

Size and Depth Perception Quiz

MCQ: The error message at the bottom of screen in a system design must be

  1. flashing
  2. blurred
  3. hidden
  4. colorful


Input Output Channels Quiz

MCQ: The users have major senses used to percept is in total

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7


Size and Depth Perception Quiz

MCQ: The visual angles in human vision system can be effected by

  1. force
  2. light
  3. color
  4. size


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The small region of retina that is used for fixation of image is called

  1. cornea
  2. fovea
  3. lens
  4. rod


Size and Depth Perception Quiz

MCQ: In human vision system, if two items are placed at same sizes then the smaller angle will be of

  1. shorter object
  2. distant object
  3. larger object
  4. less-distant object