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Digital Logic Design Certification Exam Tests

Digital Logic Design Practice Test 35

NAND Implementation Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 35

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NAND Implementation Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 35

MCQ 171: The small circle in a NAND circuit represents

A) input
B) bits
C) output
D) complement

MCQ 172: The comparison of two numbers in an operation that determines whether a number is greater, equal or less than another number is known as

A) Magnitude Comparator
B) Logic Operator
C) Logical circuit
D) None

MCQ 173: Every oscilloscope display should be crisscrossed with horizontal and vertical lines which are called as?

A) sectors
B) divisions
C) segments
D) terms

MCQ 174: If two numbers are not equal then the binary variable will be

A) 0
B) 1
C) a
D) b

MCQ 175: The flip-flops can be constructed with two

A) NAND gates
B) XOR gates
C) AND gates
D) NOT gates

Digital Logic Design Exam Prep Tests

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NAND Implementation App (Android & iOS)

NAND Implementation App (Android & iOS)

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