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Relational Database Schemas Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Relational Database Schemas trivia questions and answers, relational database schemas quiz answers PDF to solve DBMS mock test 57 for online degrees. Practice Relational Data Model and Database Constraints trivia questions and answers, relational database schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online university degrees. Free relational database schemas MCQs, introduction to query processing, embedded and dynamic sql, database management interfaces, subclass and superclass, relational database schemas test prep for free online classes.

"In relational database schemas, the transition constraints are also known as", relational database schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices dynamic constraints, static constraints, implicit constraints, and explicit constraints to learn DBA certification courses. Learn relational data model and database constraints questions and answers with free online certification courses for best online schools for computer science.

Quiz on Relational Database Schemas PDF Download eBook

Relational Database Schemas Quiz

MCQ: In relational database schemas, the transition constraints are also known as

  1. static constraints
  2. dynamic constraints
  3. implicit constraints
  4. explicit constraints


Subclass and Superclass Quiz

MCQ: The process of defining the entity type subclasses is classified as

  1. type inheritance
  2. visualization
  3. specialization
  4. generalization


Database Management Interfaces Quiz

MCQ: The popular technique in Web-based user interfaces are

  1. unstructured host manner
  2. pull-down menus
  3. pull-up options
  4. structured host manner


Embedded and Dynamic SQL Quiz

MCQ: The kind of record which is used to keep the information of specific database connection is classified as

  1. description record
  2. connection record
  3. statement record
  4. environment record


Introduction to Query Processing Quiz

MCQ: The concept which checks the syntax of query whether is written according to the rules of grammar is classified as

  1. query graph
  2. query tree
  3. scanner
  4. parser