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Unified Modeling Language Diagrams Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Unified Modeling Language Diagrams trivia questions and answers, unified modeling language diagrams quiz answers PDF to solve DBMS mock test 42 for online degrees. Practice Database Design Methodology and UML Diagrams trivia questions and answers, unified modeling language diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online university degrees. Free unified modeling language diagrams MCQs, binary relational operation: join and division, embedded and dynamic sql, unified modeling language diagrams test prep for computer software engineer online degree.

"In component diagrams, the building block which is represented with two rectangles laid on left side is classified as", unified modeling language diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices interfaces, type of components, dependency relationships, and all of above to learn online courses. Learn database design methodology and uml diagrams questions and answers with free online certification courses to learn online certificate courses.

Quiz on Unified Modeling Language Diagrams PDF Download eBook

Unified Modeling Language Diagrams Quiz

MCQ: In component diagrams, the building block which is represented with two rectangles laid on left side is classified as

  1. type of components
  2. interfaces
  3. dependency relationships
  4. all of above


Embedded and Dynamic SQL Quiz

MCQ: In database management system, if the cursor is to be moved to next rows in queries result then the command is classified as

  1. OPEN CURSOR command
  2. FETCH command
  3. UPDATE command
  4. CLOSE CURSOR command


Binary Relational Operation: JOIN and DIVISION Quiz

MCQ: As compared to Cartesian product, the tuples which appears in the result by applying JOIN are the ones

  1. that fulfills the condition
  2. that does not fulfill the condition
  3. that are nested
  4. that are subtracted


Binary Relational Operation: JOIN and DIVISION Quiz

MCQ: Consider two tuples R and S, the maximum size of R and S relations is divided to expected size of join is classified as

  1. equi join selectivity
  2. natural selectivity
  3. join selectivity
  4. theta selectivity


ER Diagrams Quiz

MCQ: In constructing ER diagrams, the double ovals are used to denote

  1. multi-value table
  2. multi-value entity
  3. multi-value attributes
  4. multi-value key