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Database Design Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 96

Learn Database design mock test for exam, database design MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 96 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to DBMS Trivia Questions and answers, database design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database design MCQs, purpose of database systems, online analytical processing (olap), physical storage media, database authorization, database design test prep for online computer science and engineering.

"To determine whether a relation schema is in its normal form, the common approach to use is", database design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices entities dependencies, relationship dependencies, functional dependencies, and mapping dependencies to study software engineering courses. Learn introduction to dbms questions and answers with free online certification courses for top computer science schools.

Trivia Quiz on Database Design PDF Download eBook

Database Design Quiz

MCQ: To determine whether a relation schema is in its normal form, the common approach to use is

  1. Relationship dependencies
  2. Entities dependencies
  3. Functional dependencies
  4. Mapping dependencies


Database Authorization Quiz

MCQ: SQL includes a privilege that permits a user to declare foreign keys when creating relations, known as to be

  1. References privilege
  2. Update privilege
  3. Execute privilege
  4. Select privilege


Physical Storage Media Quiz

MCQ: Magnetic tape and optical-disk jukeboxes storage medias are known as

  1. Volatile storage
  2. Primary storage
  3. Secondary storage
  4. Tertiary storage


Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Quiz

MCQ: To perform the cube operation, SQL supports generalization of the

  1. group by construct
  2. having by construct
  3. define by construct
  4. declare by construct


Purpose of Database Systems Quiz

MCQ: The problem that occurs while writing new application programs to retrieve the appropriate data, is known as

  1. Difficult to access data
  2. Data Inconsistency
  3. Data Isolation
  4. Atomicity problems