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Database Languages Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 78

Learn Database languages mock test for exam, database languages MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 78 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to DBMS Trivia Questions and answers, database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database languages MCQs, relational algebra, dbms design process, encryption and applications, sql data definition, database languages test prep for computer science associate degree.

"Database modifications can cause violations of", database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices referential integrity, consistency constraints, domain constraints, and assertion integrity for online computer science degrees. Learn introduction to dbms questions and answers with free online certification courses for 2 year computer science degree.

Trivia Quiz on Database Languages PDF Download eBook

Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: Database modifications can cause violations of

  1. Consistency Constraints
  2. Referential integrity
  3. Domain Constraints
  4. Assertion integrity


SQL Data Definition Quiz

MCQ: The full form or varchar is equivalent to

  1. Character varying
  2. Variable character
  3. Charter varying
  4. Variable charter


Encryption and Applications Quiz

MCQ: An alternative scheme used to avoid the problems of symmetric-key encryption is called

  1. Hybrid-key encryption
  2. Modulation-key encryption
  3. Public-key encryption
  4. Private-key encryption


DBMS Design Process Quiz

MCQ: The implementation process of the database proceeds in

  1. One final design phase
  2. Two final design phases
  3. Three final design phases
  4. Four final design phases


Relational Algebra Quiz

MCQ: The set difference operation is ensured to be applied over compatible data, just like

  1. Selection
  2. Projection
  3. Dimensional
  4. Union