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Heuristic Optimization in DBMS Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 70

Practice Heuristic optimization in dbms quiz questions and answers PDF, heuristic optimization in dbms MCQ with answers to solve data science worksheet 70 for online past papers exam. Practice Query Optimization quiz questions with answers, heuristic optimization in dbms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free heuristic optimization in dbms MCQs, set operations, encryption and applications, transaction isolation levels, additional basic operations, heuristic optimization in dbms test prep for online software development courses.

"The modification to a relation or expression is referred to as its", heuristic optimization in dbms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices change, moderator, alterations, and differential to learn online courses. Learn query optimization questions and answers with free online certification courses to learn free online courses.

Quiz on Heuristic Optimization in DBMS PDF Download eBook

Heuristic Optimization in DBMS Quiz

MCQ: The modification to a relation or expression is referred to as its

  1. Moderator
  2. Change
  3. Alterations
  4. Differential


Additional Basic Operations Quiz

MCQ: SQL expresses patterns by using the operator

  1. Like
  2. AS
  3. "="
  4. %


Transaction Isolation Levels Quiz

MCQ: The usage of concurrent execution of transactions improves

  1. Utilization
  2. Response time
  3. Throughput
  4. Both A and C


Encryption and Applications Quiz

MCQ: In the Rijndael algorithm, the encryption key is of the length

  1. 128 bits
  2. 192 bits
  3. 256 bits
  4. All of the Above


Set Operations Quiz

MCQ: The result of Boolean expression 'Unknown and unknown' is

  1. False
  2. True
  3. Unknown
  4. Null