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Additional Basic Operations Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 429

Learn Additional basic operations mock test for exam, additional basic operations MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 429 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to SQL Trivia Questions and answers, additional basic operations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free additional basic operations MCQs, deadlock handling, nested subqueries, additional basic operations test prep for online degrees.

"SQL includes comparison operator that specify that a value be less than or equal to some value and greater than or equal to some other value, known as", additional basic operations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices as, in, like, and between to learn software engineering courses. Learn introduction to sql questions and answers with free online certification courses for online computer engineering programs.

Trivia Quiz on Additional Basic Operations PDF Download eBook

Additional Basic Operations Quiz

MCQ: SQL includes comparison operator that specify that a value be less than or equal to some value and greater than or equal to some other value, known as

  1. IN
  2. AS
  3. Like
  4. Between


Nested Subqueries Quiz

MCQ: The construct that returns the value true if the argument subquery is non empty, is said to be

  1. Exists construct
  2. Not exist construct
  3. Like construct
  4. Not Like construct


Deadlock Handling Quiz

MCQ: The deadlock prevention scheme named wait-die is a

  1. Nonpreemptive technique
  2. Preemptive technique
  3. Linear preemptive technique
  4. Non-linear preemptive technique


Nested Subqueries Quiz

MCQ: The connective that tests for set membership, is said to be

  1. IN
  2. Not IN
  3. AS
  4. Not AS


Purpose of Database Systems Quiz

MCQ: Enforcing security constraints is difficult in conventional

  1. File storage system
  2. File retrieval system
  3. File updation system
  4. File processing system