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RAID Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 381

Learn Raid mock test for exam, raid MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 381 for online job interview. Practice Storage and File Structure Trivia Questions and answers, raid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free raid MCQs, advanced aggregation features, measures of query cost, database views, aspects of database design, raid test prep for computer science programs.

"ECC stands for", raid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices encryption-correcting code, encryption-code control, error-control code, and error-correcting code to learn online training courses. Learn storage and file structure questions and answers with free online certification courses for information and communication technology.

Trivia Quiz on RAID PDF Download eBook


MCQ: ECC stands for

  1. Encryption-code control
  2. Encryption-correcting code
  3. Error-control code
  4. Error-correcting code


Aspects of Database Design Quiz

MCQ: Systems having large numbers of transactions for processing in a batch style, focus on

  1. High throughput
  2. Low throughput
  3. Low response time
  4. Low queuing


Database Views Quiz

MCQ: Whenever the view relation is accessed, its tuples are created through

  1. Execution
  2. Compiling
  3. Storing
  4. Computing


Measures of Query Cost Quiz

MCQ: The cost of evaluation of query can be measured in terms of different resources, disk accesses and

  1. CPU time
  2. Distributed or parallel database system
  3. Cost of communication
  4. All of the above


Advanced Aggregation Features Quiz

MCQ: The clause in SQL that does not support partitioning, is known to be

  1. Limit
  2. Specific
  3. Where
  4. Group by