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Database System Basics for Exams Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 378

Learn Database system basics for exams mock test for exam, database system basics for exams MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 378 for online job interview. Practice Database System Architectures Trivia Questions and answers, database system basics for exams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database system basics for exams MCQs, database architecture, database users and administrators, uml diagram, static hashing, database system basics for exams test prep for online degrees.

"The assurance for the users to access data at the same time is called its", database system basics for exams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices concurrency, consistency, atomicity, and reliability to learn online educational courses. Learn database system architectures questions and answers with free online certification courses for online computer engineering programs.

Trivia Quiz on Database System Basics for Exams PDF Download eBook

Database System Basics for Exams Quiz

MCQ: The assurance for the users to access data at the same time is called its

  1. Consistency
  2. Concurrency
  3. Atomicity
  4. Reliability


Static Hashing Quiz

MCQ: If the bucket used for insertion, does not have enough space, it is said to be

  1. Bucket limit
  2. Bucket overflow
  3. Bucket overflow
  4. Bucket space


UML Diagram Quiz

MCQ: The UML diagram that depicts the software system component level and its interconnections, is said to be

  1. Implementation diagram
  2. Activity diagram
  3. Use case diagram
  4. Class diagram


Database Users and Administrators Quiz

MCQ: A Database administrator have functions of type

  1. 3 types
  2. 4 types
  3. 5 types
  4. 6 types


Database Architecture Quiz

MCQ: Database systems can be of architecture

  1. Centralized
  2. t-server
  3. 1 server- multiple clients
  4. All of the Above