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Database Languages Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 345

Learn Database languages mock test for exam, database languages MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 345 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to DBMS Trivia Questions and answers, database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database languages MCQs, open database connectivity (odbc), sql data types and schemas, view of data, aggregate functions, database languages test prep to learn online certificate courses.

"Update authorization allows modification of data, but no", database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices reading, insertion, deletion, and retrieval for online computer science classes. Learn introduction to dbms questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer software engineer online degree.

Trivia Quiz on Database Languages PDF Download eBook

Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: Update authorization allows modification of data, but no

  1. Insertion
  2. Reading
  3. Deletion
  4. Retrieval


Aggregate Functions Quiz

MCQ: The notation for finding the number of tuples in a relation, the aggregate function in SQL is

  1. count(*)
  2. count(@)
  3. count(%)
  4. count(?)


View of Data Quiz

MCQ: Data model that uses a collection of basic objects, and the relationship among those objects, is known as

  1. Object-based Data model
  2. Entity relationship model
  3. Relational Model
  4. Semi-structured data model


SQL Data Types and Schemas Quiz

MCQ: In SQL, dates specification by default is in the format

  1. mm/dd/yy
  2. yy/dd/mm
  3. yy/mm/dd
  4. dd/mm/yy


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Quiz

MCQ: At the end of the session, the program frees the statement handle and

  1. Disconnects from database
  2. Frees up connection
  3. Frees up SQL environment
  4. All of the Above