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SQL Data Types and Schemas Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 339

Learn Sql data types and schemas mock test for exam, sql data types and schemas MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 339 for online job interview. Practice SQL Concepts and Queries Trivia Questions and answers, sql data types and schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free sql data types and schemas MCQs, relational databases, database users and administrators, open database connectivity (odbc), relational algebra, sql data types and schemas test prep for computer and information science.

"The seconds field of time or timestamp can contain", sql data types and schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices no fractional part, fractional part, discrete part only, and no discrete part for computer science online degree programs. Learn sql concepts and queries questions and answers with free online certification courses for bachelor's degree in computer science.

Trivia Quiz on SQL Data Types and Schemas PDF Download eBook

SQL Data Types and Schemas Quiz

MCQ: The seconds field of time or timestamp can contain

  1. fractional part
  2. no fractional part
  3. discrete part only
  4. no discrete part


Relational Algebra Quiz

MCQ: Relational algebra is a

  1. Formal language
  2. Informal language
  3. Structured language
  4. Procedural language


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Quiz

MCQ: The ODBC standard defines conformance

  1. Levels
  2. Entities
  3. Sets
  4. Subsets


Database Users and Administrators Quiz

MCQ: Database users who write database applications that do not fit into the traditional data-processing framework, are known to be

  1. Sophisticated users
  2. Application programmers
  3. Specialized users
  4. Naive users


Relational Databases Quiz

MCQ: DML statements need to be executed from the host program, it can be done in

  1. 1 way
  2. 2 ways
  3. 3 ways
  4. 4 ways