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SQL Data Types and Schemas Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 303

Learn Sql data types and schemas mock test for exam, sql data types and schemas MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 303 for online job interview. Practice SQL Concepts and Queries Trivia Questions and answers, sql data types and schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free sql data types and schemas MCQs, database views, modification of database, centralized and client server architectures, dbms design process, sql data types and schemas test prep for applied computer science.

"To identify a relation uniquely, a name may be used of parts", sql data types and schemas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices 3 part, 2 part, 4 part, and 5 part to study distance learning courses. Learn sql concepts and queries questions and answers with free online certification courses for accelerated computer science degree online.

Trivia Quiz on SQL Data Types and Schemas PDF Download eBook

SQL Data Types and Schemas Quiz

MCQ: To identify a relation uniquely, a name may be used of parts

  1. 2 part
  2. 3 part
  3. 4 part
  4. 5 part


DBMS Design Process Quiz

MCQ: Creation of a database application is a

  1. Easy task
  2. Complex task
  3. Non structural task
  4. Cheap task


Centralized and Client Server Architectures Quiz

MCQ: The processes that modifies buffer blocks back to disk on a continuous basis is called

  1. Database writer process
  2. Manager processes
  3. Log writer process
  4. Server processes


Modification of Database Quiz

MCQ: The request such as:
insert into student
select *
from student;
encounters the problem of

  1. Syntax error
  2. Consistency
  3. Duplication
  4. Attributes


Database Views Quiz

MCQ: A view is updatable, if any attribute not listed in the select clause can be set to

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. Null
  4. Unknown