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Storage and File Structure Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 279

Learn Storage and file structure mock test for exam, storage and file structure MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 279 for online job interview. Practice Database Transactions Trivia Questions and answers, storage and file structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free storage and file structure MCQs, magnetic disk and flash storage, aggregate functions, overview of sql query language, accessing sql and programming language, storage and file structure test prep for computer science programs.

"Recovering schemes manages transactions aborts by maintaining a/an", storage and file structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices process, log, file directory, and command for information technology certificate programs. Learn database transactions questions and answers with free online certification courses for information and communication technology.

Trivia Quiz on Storage and File Structure PDF Download eBook

Storage and File Structure Quiz

MCQ: Recovering schemes manages transactions aborts by maintaining a/an

  1. Log
  2. Process
  3. File directory
  4. Command


Accessing SQL and Programming Language Quiz

MCQ: The SQL statements are identified at compile time using a preprocessor, under the

  1. Dynamic SQL
  2. Embedded SQL
  3. Absolute SQL
  4. Inbuilt SQL


Overview of SQL Query Language Quiz

MCQ: The term that provides commands for defining relation schemas, deleting relations, and modifying relation schemas, known as

  1. SQL DDL
  2. SQL DML
  3. View definition
  4. Embedded SQL


Aggregate Functions Quiz

MCQ: Tuples with the same value on all attributes in the group by clause are placed in

  1. One group
  2. Two groups
  3. Multiple groups
  4. No groups


Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage Quiz

MCQ: The rate calculated at which data can be retrieved from or stored to the disk, is known as

  1. Data-transfer rate
  2. Data-connection rate
  3. Data-access rate
  4. Data-response rate