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Database Authorization Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 275

Solve Database authorization trivia questions and answers PDF, database authorization quiz answers to prepare data science worksheet 275 for online board exam 2022. Practice Intermediate SQL quiz with answers, database authorization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database authorization MCQs, sql data types and schemas, application performance, java database connectivity (jdbc), database system applications, database authorization test prep for software engineering online courses.

"The keyword that can be used instead of restrict to indicate that revocation should cascade, is", database authorization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices cascade, revoke, assign, and arrange for online information technology certification. Learn intermediate sql questions and answers with free online certification courses for software engineering online courses.

Database Authorization Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Database Authorization Quiz

MCQ: The keyword that can be used instead of restrict to indicate that revocation should cascade, is

  1. Revoke
  2. Cascade
  3. Assign
  4. Arrange


Database System Applications Quiz

MCQ: When you access an online bookstore and browse a book or music collection, you are

  1. Retrieving database
  2. Accessing data stored
  3. Updating database
  4. Controlling data stored


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Quiz

MCQ: When we submit a query using the executeQuery method, the result of the query is contained in a

  1. Object
  2. Variable
  3. Function call
  4. Tuple


Application Performance Quiz

MCQ: If the data of underlying database changes, the cached results must be

  1. Changed
  2. Remain same
  3. Discarded
  4. Legalized


SQL Data Types and Schemas Quiz

MCQ: The letter lob in blob and clob stands for

  1. Large object
  2. Linear object
  3. Line object
  4. Letter object