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Concurrent Transactions Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 254

Solve Concurrent transactions trivia questions and answers PDF, concurrent transactions quiz answers to prepare data science worksheet 254 for online board exam 2022. Practice Database Transactions quiz with answers, concurrent transactions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free concurrent transactions MCQs, history of database systems, functions and procedures, concurrent transactions test prep for computer and information science.

"Executing a transaction in isolation helps in preserving its", concurrent transactions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices durability, atomicity, consistency, and reliability for software engineering degrees. Learn database transactions questions and answers with free online certification courses for bachelor's degree in computer science.

Concurrent Transactions Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Concurrent Transactions Quiz

MCQ: Executing a transaction in isolation helps in preserving its

  1. Atomicity
  2. Durability
  3. Consistency
  4. Reliability


Functions and Procedures Quiz

MCQ: For language constructs, the program fetches the query results one row at a time into the

  1. While loop variable
  2. For loop variable
  3. Do loop variable
  4. For.. While loop variable


History of Database Systems Quiz

MCQ: The explosive growth of the World Wide Web, was the major event of the

  1. Late 1970s
  2. Early 1980s
  3. 1990s
  4. 2000s


Entity Relationship Diagrams Quiz

MCQ: The weak entity set associated with the identifying entity set, is said to be its

  1. Dependent
  2. Existence dependent
  3. Validation dependent
  4. Deficient dependent


Entity Relationship Diagrams Quiz

MCQ: The total participation of an entity in a relationship set in an E-R diagram can be represented by

  1. Square
  2. Double Lines
  3. Dashed lines
  4. Lines