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ER Diagrams Symbols Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 231

Learn Er diagrams symbols mock test for exam, er diagrams symbols MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 231 for online job interview. Practice Database Design and ER Model Trivia Questions and answers, er diagrams symbols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free er diagrams symbols MCQs, database triggers, java database connectivity (jdbc), relational databases, dbms for competitive exams, er diagrams symbols test prep for computer science associate degree.

"In an E-R diagram, identifying relationship sets linked to weak entity sets, are represented by", er diagrams symbols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices dashed lines, diamonds, double lines, and double diamonds for information technology certificate programs. Learn database design and er model questions and answers with free online certification courses for 2 year computer science degree.

Trivia Quiz on ER Diagrams Symbols PDF Download eBook

ER Diagrams Symbols Quiz

MCQ: In an E-R diagram, identifying relationship sets linked to weak entity sets, are represented by

  1. Diamonds
  2. Dashed lines
  3. Double Lines
  4. Double diamonds


DBMS for Competitive Exams Quiz

MCQ: Oracle Database acquires a DDL lock on behalf of?

  1. Explicit action
  2. Transaction
  3. Query
  4. Retrieval


Relational Databases Quiz

MCQ: The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard to use with the C language is a commonly used

  1. Application process interface
  2. Adapter process interface
  3. Application program interface
  4. Adapter program interface


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Quiz

MCQ: The second parameter to getConnection is a database

  1. URL
  2. User identifier
  3. Password
  4. Machine address


Database Triggers Quiz

MCQ: A trigger can be dropped, which removes it

  1. Temporarily
  2. Permanently
  3. For specific actions
  4. For limited time