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Database Languages Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 201

Learn Database languages mock test for exam, database languages MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 201 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to DBMS Trivia Questions and answers, database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free database languages MCQs, basic structure of sql queries, overview of sql query language, aggregate functions, database system basics for exams, database languages test prep for applied computer science.

"The storage structure and access methods used by the database system, is specified by a", database languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices type of procedural dml, type of dml, type of declarative dml, and type of ddl for online degree programs. Learn introduction to dbms questions and answers with free online certification courses for accelerated computer science degree online.

Trivia Quiz on Database Languages PDF Download eBook

Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: The storage structure and access methods used by the database system, is specified by a

  1. Type Of DML
  2. Type of Procedural DML
  3. Type of Declarative DML
  4. Type of DDL


Database System Basics for Exams Quiz

MCQ: In cloud computing server time, network storage and human interaction can be provisioned through

  1. Measured service
  2. Broad network access
  3. Resource pooling
  4. On demand self service


Aggregate Functions Quiz

MCQ: The entire set of tuples satisfying the where predicate is treated as being in one group, if the

  1. Having clause is present
  2. Having clause is not present
  3. Group by clause is present
  4. Group by clause is not present


Overview of SQL Query Language Quiz

MCQ: The term that provides the ability to query information from the database, is known as

  1. SQL DML
  2. SQL DDL
  3. Embedded SQL
  4. View definition


Basic Structure of SQL Queries Quiz

MCQ: For those attributes that appear in only one of the two schemas, we shall usually drop the

  1. Relation name schema
  2. Relation name prefix
  3. Attribute name prefix
  4. Tuple address prefix