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Notations for Modeling Data Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 192

Learn Notations for modeling data mock test for exam, notations for modeling data MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 192 for online job interview. Practice Database Design and ER Model Trivia Questions and answers, notations for modeling data Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free notations for modeling data MCQs, relational algebra, database languages, nested subqueries, security and authorization, notations for modeling data test prep to learn online certificate courses.

"In an E-R diagram, the part formed by data representation of an overall system design, is", notations for modeling data Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices two parts, one part, three parts, and four parts to study software engineering courses. Learn database design and er model questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer software engineer online degree.

Trivia Quiz on Notations for Modeling Data PDF Download eBook

Notations for Modeling Data Quiz

MCQ: In an E-R diagram, the part formed by data representation of an overall system design, is

  1. One part
  2. Two parts
  3. Three parts
  4. Four parts


Security and Authorization Quiz

MCQ: Privileges that are granted implicitly to all current and future users, are called as

  1. Private
  2. Natural
  3. Unnatural
  4. Public


Nested Subqueries Quiz

MCQ: The phrase 'greater than at least one' is represented in SQL, by

  1. > some
  2. < some
  3. >1
  4. < 1


Database Languages Quiz

MCQ: A set of definitions are expressed by a special language called a

  1. Data manipulation Language
  2. Data Definition Language
  3. Data Declaration Language
  4. Data Domain Language


Relational Algebra Quiz

MCQ: Commercial database systems use languages with extensive

  1. Semantic sugar
  2. Dynamic sugar
  3. Syntactic sugar
  4. Static sugar