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Embedded SQL Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 105

Learn Embedded sql mock test for exam, embedded sql MCQ with answers pdf to solve data science test 105 for online job interview. Practice Advanced SQL Trivia Questions and answers, embedded sql Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online DBMS, DBA. Free embedded sql MCQs, security and authorization, relational algebra, b+ trees, data storage and querying, embedded sql test prep for software engineering online courses.

"The preprocessor replaces embedded SQL requests with host-language declarations and procedure calls that allow", embedded sql Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices retrieval, compilation, function calls, and runtime execution to learn DBA certification courses. Learn advanced sql questions and answers with free online certification courses for software engineering online courses.

Trivia Quiz on Embedded SQL PDF Download eBook

Embedded SQL Quiz

MCQ: The preprocessor replaces embedded SQL requests with host-language declarations and procedure calls that allow

  1. Compilation
  2. Retrieval
  3. Function calls
  4. Runtime execution


Data Storage and Querying Quiz

MCQ: The Query processor have different components of type

  1. 2 types
  2. 3 types
  3. 4 types
  4. 5 types


B+ Trees Quiz

MCQ: The most widely used structure for index structures, is known to be

  1. B+- trees structure
  2. Balanced tree structure
  3. Unbalanced tree structure
  4. Sequential tree structure


Relational Algebra Quiz

MCQ: The operation that works like assignment in a programming language, is said to be

  1. Union operator
  2. Assignment operator
  3. Natural join operator
  4. Set difference operator


Security and Authorization Quiz

MCQ: The authorization on a relation allows a user to update any tuple in the relation, is known to be

  1. select authorization
  2. grant authorization
  3. define authorization
  4. update authorization