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Chapter 1: Database Systems Exam Tests

Database Systems MCQs - Chapter 1

Advanced SQL Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

Free Advanced SQL Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Advanced SQL MCQ Quiz PDF, test 5 to study online DBMS Course. Practice Accessing SQL and Programming Language MCQs, Advanced SQL trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Advanced SQL MCQs App Download & e-Book for database triggers, functions and procedures, sql standards, java database connectivity (jdbc) career test for online computer science and engineering.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): A major challenge in mixing SQL with a general-purpose language is the mismatching in the; "Advanced SQL" App Download (Free) with answers manipulation of data, definition of data, execution of data and output of data for computer science online programs. Solve accessing sql and programming language quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for top computer science schools.

Advanced SQL Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: A major challenge in mixing SQL with a general-purpose language is the mismatching in the

A) Definition of data
B) Manipulation of data
C) Execution of data
D) Output of data

MCQ 22: To maintain materialized views, we can use

A) Triggers
B) Pointers
C) Clone objects
D) Cascading

MCQ 23: The SQL standard supports functions that can return tables as results, such functions are called

A) Table functions
B) Standard functions
C) Result functions
D) Callable functions

MCQ 24: SQL standard supports a limited form of recursion, using the clause

A) recursive clause
B) declare recursive clause
C) with recursive clause
D) without recursive clause

MCQ 25: The method on the result set that tests whether or not there remains at least one unfetched tuple in the result set, is said to be

A) Fetch method
B) Current method
C) Next method
D) Access method

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Advanced SQL App (Android & iOS)

Advanced SQL App (Android & iOS)

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