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Computer Networks Practice Test 76

Synchronous Transmission Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 76

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Synchronous Transmission Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 76

MCQ 376: In synchronous transmission, we send bits one after the another without

A) start bit
B) stop bit
C) gap bit
D) all of above

MCQ 377: The total bandwidth required for Amplitude Modulation (AM) can be determined from the bandwidth of the audio signal

A) BAM = 2B
B) BAM = 4B
C) BAM = 6B
D) BAM = 10B

MCQ 378: Third generation of cellular telephony has a band of

A) 1 GHz
B) 2 GHz
C) 4 GHz
D) 6 GHz

MCQ 379: Mail access starts with the client when the user needs to download e-mail from the

A) mail box
B) mail server
C) mail host
D) internet

MCQ 380: Telnet is a general-purpose

A) client/server application program
B) database-server application program
C) client-end application program
D) server-end application program

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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