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Computer Keyboard Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 80

Solve Computer keyboard trivia questions and answers PDF, computer keyboard quiz answers to prepare online computer basics worksheet 80 for online board exam 2022. Practice Interacting with Computer quiz with answers, computer keyboard Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free computer keyboard MCQs, computer hardware, computer printing, computer keyboard test prep for online computer science schools.

"To run/execute the selected command, key used is", computer keyboard Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices alt key, ctrl key, enter key, and shift key for online computer engineering classes. Learn interacting with computer questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer software engineer.

Computer Keyboard Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Computer Keyboard Quiz

MCQ: To run/execute the selected command, key used is

  1. Ctrl key
  2. Alt key
  3. Enter key
  4. Shift key


Computer Printing Quiz

MCQ: For a home user that has casual printing needs, the most important specification of a printer is

  1. cost of use
  2. resolution
  3. speed
  4. paper size


Computer Hardware Quiz

MCQ: Computer mouse get its name because

  1. it squeaks when moved
  2. it's cable looks like a tail
  3. it has ears
  4. it has eyes


Searching Web Quiz

MCQ: Web crawler is also known as

  1. link directory
  2. search optimizer
  3. web spider
  4. web manager


Computer Keyboard Quiz

MCQ: To close a selected drop-down list, cancel a command and close a dialog box, key used is

  1. Esc key
  2. End key
  3. Enter key
  4. Alt key