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Presentation Programs Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 33

Learn Presentation programs mock test for exam, presentation programs MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 33 for online job interview. Practice Application Softwares Trivia Questions and answers, presentation programs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free presentation programs MCQs, computer: internet protocols, microcomputer processor, word processing fonts, viruses and anti-virus issues, presentation programs test prep for top computer science schools.

"Ellipse Motion is a predefined", presentation programs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices color scheme, design template, animation scheme, and bullet scheme to learn online training courses. Learn application softwares questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer science associate degree.

Trivia Quiz on Presentation Programs PDF Download eBook

Presentation Programs Quiz

MCQ: Ellipse Motion is a predefined

  1. design template
  2. color scheme
  3. animation scheme
  4. bullet scheme


Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Quiz

MCQ: Special program which can detect and remove viruses from computer is called

  1. virus
  2. anti-virus
  3. groupware
  4. custom


Word Processing Fonts Quiz

MCQ: In a computer, paragraph format includes

  1. tabs
  2. alignment
  3. indentations
  4. all of these


Microcomputer Processor Quiz

MCQ: SIM stands for

  1. select interrupt mask
  2. sorting interrupt mask
  3. set interrupt mask
  4. send interrupt mask


Computer: Internet Protocols Quiz

MCQ: USA defense department initiated the internet in

  1. 1969
  2. 1976
  3. 1978
  4. 1980