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Computer Viruses Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 276

Learn Computer viruses mock test for exam, computer viruses MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 276 for online job interview. Practice Data Protection and Copyrights Trivia Questions and answers, computer viruses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free computer viruses MCQs, word processing menu, window desktop basics, word processing fonts, spreadsheet program functions, computer viruses test prep for computer majors.

"Program which can detect and remove viruses from computer is called", computer viruses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices virus detecting software, anti-virus, freeware, and both a and b to learn online certification courses. Learn data protection and copyrights questions and answers with free online certification courses for master's degree in computer science.

Trivia Quiz on Computer Viruses PDF Download eBook

Computer Viruses Quiz

MCQ: Program which can detect and remove viruses from computer is called

  1. anti-virus
  2. virus detecting software
  3. freeware
  4. both A and B


Spreadsheet Program Functions Quiz

MCQ: In a computer spreadsheet, command used to merge number of selected cells into one cell is called

  1. merge
  2. split
  3. merge and center
  4. one unit


Word Processing Fonts Quiz

MCQ: Term in a computer which defines the size and style of a typeface is

  1. point
  2. font
  3. character
  4. size


Window Desktop Basics Quiz

MCQ: Services provided by operating system are

  1. file system management
  2. hardware management
  3. user interface
  4. all of these


Word Processing Menu Quiz

MCQ: You can insert multiple columns in computer table menu by choosing insert and then selecting

  1. columns at right or left of table
  2. columns at side
  3. column to left or column to right
  4. columns insertion