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Software and Copyright Laws Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 27

Learn Software and copyright laws mock test for exam, software and copyright laws MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 27 for online job interview. Practice Data Protection and Copyrights Trivia Questions and answers, software and copyright laws Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free software and copyright laws MCQs, storage device types, features of windows, operating system structure, user interfaces, software and copyright laws test prep for best online schools for computer science.

"Right to use the software on computer is called", software and copyright laws Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices site license, software copyright, software piracy, and software activation for online computer engineering classes. Learn data protection and copyrights questions and answers with free online certification courses for applied computer science.

Trivia Quiz on Software and Copyright Laws PDF Download eBook

Software and Copyright Laws Quiz

MCQ: Right to use the software on computer is called

  1. software copyright
  2. site license
  3. software piracy
  4. software activation


User Interfaces Quiz

MCQ: One component which contains nearly all GUI programs will have

  1. frame
  2. mouse
  3. monitor
  4. button


Operating System Structure Quiz

MCQ: Resolution of externally defined symbols is performed by

  1. linker
  2. loader
  3. compiler
  4. assembler


Features of Windows Quiz

MCQ: Feature of Windows include

  1. running several programs simultaneously
  2. switching between open applications
  3. multitasking
  4. all of these


Storage Device Types Quiz

MCQ: Storage device access in which access time is effectively independent of the location of data is

  1. primary storage
  2. secondary storage
  3. direct access
  4. indirect access