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DOS Commands Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 261

Learn Dos commands mock test for exam, dos commands MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 261 for online job interview. Practice Operating Systems Trivia Questions and answers, dos commands Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free dos commands MCQs, number systems, computer: internet protocols, computer mouse, spreadsheet program wizards, dos commands test prep for free online classes.

"Command which is used to get the current date only is", dos commands Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices time, date, time and date, and current date for online master programs. Learn operating systems questions and answers with free online certification courses for best online schools for computer science.

Trivia Quiz on DOS Commands PDF Download eBook

DOS Commands Quiz

MCQ: Command which is used to get the current date only is

  1. date
  2. time
  3. time and date
  4. current date


Spreadsheet Program Wizards Quiz

MCQ: In a computer spreadsheet, second part of number format describes

  1. positive number
  2. negative number
  3. zero values
  4. text values


Computer Mouse Quiz

MCQ: Sensor used in a computer system for detection of mouse operation is

  1. optical sensor
  2. rollers on the bottom of mouse
  3. both A and B
  4. sensor


Computer: Internet Protocols Quiz

MCQ: Most widely used computer web protocol is

  1. http
  2. HTML
  3. URL
  4. ISP


Number Systems Quiz

MCQ: In binary numbers, shifting the binary point one place to the right is

  1. multiplies by 2
  2. divides by 2
  3. decreases by 10
  4. increases by 10