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Network and Internet Protocols Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 258

Learn Network and internet protocols mock test for exam, network and internet protocols MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 258 for online job interview. Practice Computer Networks Trivia Questions and answers, network and internet protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free network and internet protocols MCQs, disk operating system (dos), microcomputer processor, read and write operations, software and copyright laws, network and internet protocols test prep for CS major.

"Collection of documents stored in a computer which is permanently connected with internet around the world is called", network and internet protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices www, telnet, lan, and ftp to learn online training courses. Learn computer networks questions and answers with free online certification courses for online college classes.

Trivia Quiz on Network and Internet Protocols PDF Download eBook

Network and Internet Protocols Quiz

MCQ: Collection of documents stored in a computer which is permanently connected with internet around the world is called

  1. Telnet
  2. WWW
  3. LAN
  4. FTP


Software and Copyright Laws Quiz

MCQ: Right of a person to keep his personal information away from others is called

  1. privacy
  2. private
  3. secrecy
  4. right


Read and Write Operations Quiz

MCQ: Computer operation in which binary word stored in a specific memory location is sensed then transferred to another location is known as

  1. write operation
  2. read and write operation
  3. read operation
  4. access operation


Microcomputer Processor Quiz

MCQ: From all of the following dedicated register is

  1. PC
  2. IR
  3. SP
  4. all of these


Disk Operating System (DOS) Quiz

MCQ: In computer, FAT stands for

  1. file accommodation table
  2. file access tape
  3. file allocation table
  4. file activity table