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Operating System Structure Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 237

Learn Operating system structure mock test for exam, operating system structure MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 237 for online job interview. Practice Operating Systems Trivia Questions and answers, operating system structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free operating system structure MCQs, network and internet protocols, computer buses, world wide web (www), random access memory (ram), operating system structure test prep for top computer science schools.

"The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of", operating system structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices non reusable, reenterable, virtual memory, and cache memory to study computing courses online. Learn operating systems questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer science associate degree.

Trivia Quiz on Operating System Structure PDF Download eBook

Operating System Structure Quiz

MCQ: The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of

  1. reenterable
  2. non reusable
  3. virtual memory
  4. cache memory


Random Access Memory (RAM) Quiz

MCQ: Computer memory which is needed to be refresh is

  1. SRAM
  2. DRAM
  3. ROM
  4. PROM


World Wide Web (WWW) Quiz

MCQ: Internet explorer falls under

  1. operating system
  2. compiler
  3. browser
  4. IP address


Computer Buses Quiz

MCQ: Newer model computers have a 64-bit data bus called the

  1. ISA
  2. USB
  3. PCI
  4. frontside bus


Network and Internet Protocols Quiz

MCQ: In computer, DSL stands for

  1. direct service lease
  2. domain server link
  3. distant service line
  4. digital subscriber line