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Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 196

Practice Viruses and anti-virus issues quiz questions and answers PDF, viruses and anti-virus issues MCQ with answers to solve computer basics worksheet 196 for online past papers exam. Practice Data Protection and Copyrights quiz questions with answers, viruses and anti-virus issues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free viruses and anti-virus issues MCQs, disk operating system (dos), input devices of computer, spreadsheet programs basics, optical input devices, viruses and anti-virus issues test prep for computer software engineer.

"Which of the following is not a cause of computer virus?", viruses and anti-virus issues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices network, e-mail, pirated software, and logic bomb for computer science degree programs. Learn data protection and copyrights questions and answers with free online certification courses for cheapest online computer science degree.

Quiz on Viruses and Anti-virus Issues PDF Download eBook

Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Quiz

MCQ: Which of the following is not a cause of computer virus?

  1. e-mail
  2. network
  3. pirated software
  4. logic bomb


Optical Input Devices Quiz

MCQ: When computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is

  1. stationary
  2. difficult to move
  3. dragged
  4. moved in small stems


Spreadsheet Programs Basics Quiz

MCQ: Default name of first sheet in any computer workbook is

  1. one
  2. sheet 1
  3. sheet one
  4. first sheet


Input Devices of Computer Quiz

MCQ: Hardware components which are used by user to enter data and instructions into the computer are termed as

  1. input devices
  2. output devices
  3. printer
  4. scanner


Disk Operating System (DOS) Quiz

MCQ: Name given to something that the computer can automatically use unless you tell it otherwise is

  1. a specification
  2. a wildcard
  3. a default
  4. a rule