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Read Only Memory (ROM) Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 138

Learn Read only memory (rom) mock test for exam, read only memory (rom) MCQ with answers pdf to solve computer basics test 138 for online job interview. Practice Computer Architecture Trivia Questions and answers, read only memory (rom) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science. Free read only memory (rom) MCQs, lan wan networks, network servers, measuring and improving drive performance, storage device types, read only memory (rom) test prep for online college classes.

"Type of computer memory which is nonvolatile and can't be changed by the user is", read only memory (rom) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices dram, sram, rom, and ram to study online tutor courses. Learn computer architecture questions and answers with free online certification courses for online computer science and engineering.

Trivia Quiz on Read Only Memory (ROM) PDF Download eBook

Read Only Memory (ROM) Quiz

MCQ: Type of computer memory which is nonvolatile and can't be changed by the user is

  1. SRAM
  2. DRAM
  3. ROM
  4. RAM


Storage Device Types Quiz

MCQ: Examples of solid-state memory device includes

  1. flash memory drive
  2. CD-RW
  3. floppy disk
  4. hard disk


Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Quiz

MCQ: Access time in storage devices are measured in

  1. milliseconds
  2. nanosecond
  3. microseconds
  4. pico seconds


Network Servers Quiz

MCQ: Large computer corporate networks can use

  1. thousands of servers
  2. millions of servers
  3. billions of servers
  4. hundreds of servers


LAN WAN Networks Quiz

MCQ: Most common type of a computer network is

  1. PAN
  2. WAN
  3. LAN
  4. MAN