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DOS Commands Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 297

The Book DOS Commands Quiz Questions and Answers, DOS Commands Quiz PDF Download, Free Ch. 14-297 to study computer basics online courses. Practice Operating Systems MCQ with answers PDF, DOS Commands Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The DOS Commands Quiz App Download: Free learning app for information system development, user interfaces, types of registers in computer, computer printers, dos commands test prep for best online schools for computer science.

The Quiz: Command which is used to copy a file named temp.doc from drive C: to drive A: is; "DOS Commands" App Download (Free) with answers copy c:\temp.doc a:, copy temp.doc to a:, copy a: c: and copy temp a: c: to study software engineering courses. Solve operating systems questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for applied computer science.

DOS Commands Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 297

MCQ 1481: Command which is used to copy a file named temp.doc from drive C: to drive A: is

  1. copy temp.doc to a:
  2. copy c:\temp.doc a:
  3. copy a: c:
  4. copy temp a: c:

MCQ 1482: Laser printer mechanism is consists of

  1. laser light
  2. roller
  3. toner
  4. all of these

MCQ 1483: In the indirect address mode,

  1. effective address is equal to address part of instruction
  2. content of program counter is added to address part of instruction
  3. a memory is addressed by a register
  4. address in the instruction points to location of effective address

MCQ 1484: Three software parts of a GUI program are

  1. window, button, mice
  2. GUI components, graphics, codes
  3. GUI components, event listeners, application code
  4. frames, code, event

MCQ 1485: System analysis produces results which are based on

  1. review of existing system
  2. design constraints
  3. requirements definition
  4. all of these

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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DOS Commands App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

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