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Backup Utilities Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 263

The e-Book Backup Utilities Quiz Questions and Answers, backup utilities Quiz MCQs PDF download, chapter 14-263 to study free computer basics online courses. Solve Operating Systems MCQ Questions PDF, Backup Utilities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Backup Utilities Trivia App Download: Free learning app for main memory, computer keyboard, operating system basics, different types of windows, backup utilities test prep for best online schools for computer science.

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Backup Utilities Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 263

MCQ 1311: Which of the following can be used for reducing recovery time?

A) automatic failover
B) by taking backup on a faster device
C) taking multiple backups
D) all of these

MCQ 1312: Operating system which historically has a command-line interface is

A) Windows
B) Win.CE

MCQ 1313: System software which does the job of merging the records from two files into one is

A) security software
B) utility program
C) networking software
D) documentation system

MCQ 1314: F5 key is used to

A) refresh window
B) refresh program
C) edit file name
D) rename

MCQ 1315: Working area of computer is

A) hard disk
B) main memory
C) floppy disk
D) hardware

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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