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Word Processing Elements Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 219

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Word Processing Elements Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 219

MCQ 1091: Example of word processing software is

A) WordPerfect
B) easy word
C) MS-word
D) all of these

MCQ 1092: All of the following may be stored in a computer registers except

A) program instructions
B) memory addresses
C) data
D) CPU instruction set

MCQ 1093: Term of computer that refers to all input, output and secondary storage devices is

A) peripheral
B) central
C) attached
D) network

MCQ 1094: Unique tag which usually a number, identifies a file within the file system is called

A) file identifier
B) file name
C) file type
D) file extension

MCQ 1095: Scheduling in which certain amount of CPU time is allocated to each process is

A) earliest deadline first scheduling
B) proportional share scheduling
C) equal share scheduling
D) constant share scheduling

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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Word Processing Elements  App (Android & iOS)

Word Processing Elements App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

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DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

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