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Chapter 13: Computer Basics Exam Tests

Computer Basics MCQs - Chapter 13

Introduction to Computer Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Introduction to Computer Systems Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: Control unit of computer is

A) general-purpose
B) special-purpose
C) multi-purpose
D) one-purpose

MCQ 17: 2K x 8 ROM chips which are required to built a 16K x 8 memory system are of number

A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 16

MCQ 18: Address bits needed to select all memory locations in the 2118 16K x 1 RAM are

A) 8
B) 10
C) 14
D) 16

MCQ 19: Minicomputer was first released in

A) 1960s
B) 1970s
C) 1980s
D) 1990s

MCQ 20: Some handheld computers contains features of tiny built-in keyboards or microphone that allows

A) text input
B) data input
C) print input
D) voice input

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Introduction to Computer Systems App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (Android & iOS)

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